25 Random Things About Dave!

I have become one with my Facebook. 1. When Dave was 19 he moved 2,466 miles away from home to go to an Art School that has 300 students. 2. Dave was called David until he moved to Atlanta. 3. Dave’s brother recently lost over a hundred pounds and looks awesome....

Buying a House in Atlanta Part 3

3037 Montclair Circle is tucked away in a little town called Smyrna.  Smyrna is a small suburban town sitting directly next to it’s big brother Atlanta.  Located just outside the perimeter, Smyrna is close enough to the city to still be considered part of the...
Blackberry Storm

Blackberry Storm

Over the years I have had four cell phones. The first two were big and bulky and, as of today, very outdated. My first one didn’t even have a camera. Man! Year after year cell phones get better, smaller and faster. So a little over a year ago, with all the...