by davidjamescaselli | Nov 3, 2008 | Dave Caselli Drama
I’ve been to New York about five times in my life and I loved every trip. I love it so much that I considered moving there at one point in my life. That was about five years back when I was right out of school and looking to start a new chapter in my life. Not...
by davidjamescaselli | Oct 29, 2008 | Dave Caselli Drama
As Halloween is fast approaching, I thought I should continue to write about the everlasting list of bad horror movies that litter the shelves of the continuously dying video store. As you know, I am a connoisseur of Bad horror movies and I thought I might bring some...
by davidjamescaselli | Oct 20, 2008 | Dave Caselli Drama
OK, so I know it’s wrong. I know it’s technically stealing. I know that it’s probably not the smartest thing to be writing about in this blog, but I’m going to because it’s real. People do it. I love to download. I have been a...
by davidjamescaselli | Oct 15, 2008 | Dave Caselli Drama
The History Channel has significantly changed in the last couple of years in a way I could never imagine. It became something that actually made me interested in history. Now, I’m not one to get in to the history of the Civil War like my Father in Law or the...
by davidjamescaselli | Oct 13, 2008 | Dave Caselli Drama
Can someone explaing to me why Plaid Shorts are cool. Please. I am the owner of three pairs now and still don’t really get it. I’m not saying they don’t look good. I’m just saying they are pretty much the opposite of cool when I was in...
by davidjamescaselli | Sep 26, 2008 | Dave Caselli Drama
Most people initially think I’m crazy for not voting. Throughout history Americans have been fighting for the right to have their voice heard in their own government, to be a part of and to give their personal opinion on how their government is dictated. I...