Blu-Ray Media

Blu-Ray Media

Technology is a crazy thing. Especially these days. I decided to write this blog a long time ago when the media war between Blu-Ray and HD Dvd had ended. But as with all technology, things change. Let me start with this: Business is business. The media was only a...
Do ear candles work?

Do ear candles work?

So a couple of years back I heard of this awesome invention called ear candles.  It was actually my good friend Kiki that first told me about them and from the start I loved them.  With a history of ear issues I thought that a natural safe cleanse of ear wax would be...


I get anxiety.  It’s not like being scared in the movie theater during a horror movie.  It’s not the feeling you get before a big meeting.  It’s the feeling of being tense.  You don’t understand why, but you cannot get this feeling of fear out...

Buying a house in Atlanta Part 2

So the wedding came and went.  It seems just like yesterday that we were walking down the isle.  But it’s not July.  It’s not even 2008.  It’s a new year and with a new year comes a new home for me and Priscilla.  After talking to some friends that...