Irish Car Bomb

Irish Car Bomb   ˈī-rish ˈkär ˈbäm   noun   A boilermaker made with stout (e.g. Guinness), Irish Cream (e.g. Baileys) and Irish whiskey (e.g.Jameson). The name references the drink’s Irish components and the car bombings used most notoriously by the Provisional...

The World without Religion.

Disclaimer:  This post is NOT about whether or not I think the world is better off without religion.  It is NOT about denouncing traditions and disrespecting my upbringing.  This post is only about the small simple things that could be different in the world without...

Evolving Traditions: Thanksgiving

Time goes on.  Things change. Traditions evolve. Whether you like it or not, things you once knew as a constant will no longer be.  This applies to a lot of things, but some are harder to take than others.  As is with the Caselli family tradition on Thanksgiving. As...