Blackberry Storm

Blackberry Storm

Over the years I have had four cell phones. The first two were big and bulky and, as of today, very outdated. My first one didn’t even have a camera. Man! Year after year cell phones get better, smaller and faster. So a little over a year ago, with all the...

Buying a house in Atlanta Part 2

So the wedding came and went.  It seems just like yesterday that we were walking down the isle.  But it’s not July.  It’s not even 2008.  It’s a new year and with a new year comes a new home for me and Priscilla.  After talking to some friends that...

It’s all in Perspective

One of my first experiences of deep thinking came in the realization of myself.  As this may sound strange, it hit me pretty hard at age 13.  I had an epiphany that I was who I was.  I was David James Caselli born in Sacramento California to a mid class family on the...
Monster Truck Rally 2009

Monster Truck Rally 2009

So it’s January again and it’s time once again for another all out redneck party for Holly’s Birthday. This time we all decided to hit up the Monster Truck Rally down at the Georgia Dome here in Atlanta.   The girl’s also planned a special...

Evolving Traditions: Christmas

As time continues on, things change throughout your life one way or another. As I wrote last month things involving the Caselli family are continuously evolving into something new; changing as time does. But for the traditions around Christmas, this year seemed a lot...