The way we interact with each have changed significantly over the past ten years.  The Internet has grown and spawned new ways to communicate.  Social networks and Peer to Peer programs are only a couple of the new ways to keep in touch with old friends, talk to your wife, and waste time at work.  But with this new wave of technology, I feel that some people forget just how they are perceived online.  All the information you put on your Facebook, your Linkin, your blog, and even your American Express labels you as a person.  It creates your Internet Identity.  

Since the beginning for Social Networks I have tried to put my name out there and sign up for as many as possible.  I have to admit I am not scared to input my address and phone number into any off the wall database to store on some server in China.  I try to put my name out there as much as possible so it is easier for people to know who I am.  For people to distinguish me from other Dave Caselli’s.   For Search Engines to have my name out there more than any other Caselli, or any other Dave even.  This is why I establish such an Identity.  I want my name on the map.

So because I am so adamant about my own Internet Identity, I cant believe how other people abuse and tarnish their own identity.  I am not going to name any names, but I will state this:  What people see on the Internet is what they believe is true.  If the majority of the photos you have of yourself are half naked pictures of yourself on the beach, people are going to ask themselves why is this person parading themselves online this way? 

Also, people don’t realize that everyone “Googles” everyone.  If you are trying to get a job, make sure you know what a potential employer will find when they “Google” your name.  It might be time to take down the picture from that Bachelorhood party in Vegas.  Things like this might not just get you in trouble from a potential employer, but also a current employer.  I also have to say that if you have a ton of people from your past on Facebook, try to understand how they will perceive you.  They don’t know you, but they know your Facebook.

Overall, I am most likely different than most people.  I don’t care if I have “cooky” pictures of myself online.  I right this blog putting my life in the public eye for anyone to read.  I like to keep myself honest with the people around me so I can be honest with myself.  I try not to hide from who I am.  But I still will never put up those pictures I took with that donkey in Mexico.