Technology is a crazy thing. Especially these days. I decided to write this blog a long time ago when the media war between Blu-Ray and HD Dvd had ended. But as with all technology, things change. Let me start with this: Business is business. The media was only a battle between companies and the companies those companies backed. They both made a choice and put their money on one of the competing sides. Blu-Ray won. I wasn’t a big surprise. Blu-Ray had a high storage capacity, Playstation 3 used it and it had a cool name with “Blue” in it but instead of spelling it “Blue” they spelled it without the “e” at the end. Yep. Crazy. The sad thing is I’m pretty sure this is the reason with it won. The Playstation thing helped too, but who wanted an updated DVD player with an “HD” thrown in the beginning of the name? I wasn’t convinced.

Anyway, Blu-Ray won and that is that.  HD DVD is dead.  The future of media is set.  Or is it?  This is my main argument against Blu-Ray.  As I said before, this is a business.  The thing is, is that media in general is about to be obsolete.  Companies already have the capabilities to stream giant amounts of information to your home without even touching a Disc.  Downloading is becoming the norm along with Netflix and just watching movies online.  Netflix recently made a move with XBox that allowed XBox owners to stream movies through their game machine from the Internet to your TV.  Brilliant idea.   This is two big companies preparing for the future.  I don’t see Netflix going anywhere if they keep this up.

I have always been a movie collector.  Always.  But it wasn’t until recently that I was over it.  I decided I had bought my last DVD and I would not start collecting the single new media, the Blu-Ray.  My current DVD collection will most likely start to dwindle as I sell them away or let people borrow them with them never returning them.  It happens.  I might just box them up and put them in my new attic til I can give them to my kids to teach them about the crazy cinema of my day.  Either way, I am done spending the funds on something that was mostly a waste of money anyway.  How often do you actually watch movies you buy anyway.  Once?  Twice?  Never more than that.  Unless it’s like Half Baked or Grandma’s Boy.  Those are classics.  

Anyway, I am excited about creating my new library.  One that will most likely be already made for me.  One that looks like a cable box, has a hard drive and an Internet connection that can stream movies whenever I want them.  The size of selection will always be growing and I will never be without a new release the day it comes out.  I will never have late fees.  I will never have a scratched disc.  Discs will never get lost in the mail.  I wont have four disc always floating around my living room.  All movies will be in High Definition.  When High Definition becomes obsolete, The next new format will automatically be available to me.  I will have a box and a screen.  This is the future of media.  No media at all.